Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Sanyo 2 Hour Quick Eneloop Charger WITH CABLE + bonus 4 buah battery ENELOOP AA 2000mAh 
-Auto Voltage AC 100V - 240V, sehingga cocok untuk dibawa travel keluar negeri, yg tegangan listriknya 110V
-Paket terdiri dari charger dan 4 buah battery ENELOOP AA 2000mAh dan kabel untuk colok ke stopkontak
-Bisa untuk charge AA dan AAA
-Jumlah slot = 4 slot, bisa mengisi 1 battery, 2 battery, 3 battery atau sekaligus 4 battery
-Memiliki sistem kontrol automatic utk mencegah pengisian berlebihan (overcharge), kalau battery sudah penuh bisa stop charge secara otomatis, pengisian berhenti kalau battery sudah terdeteksi penuh
-Individual / independen charging channel. This function monitors the voltage of batteries with different capacities to make sure each one is charged properly
-Charger ringan, ringkas, portable dan kecil 
-Quick Charging 
-LED charge indicator light, Charging : LED on, Fully Charged : LED off , kalo sudah penuh, LED akam mati sendiri otomatis
-Temperature control for charger & battery, Temperature protection for the battery by built-in sensors which monitor the battery temperature to prevent over-charging. When the battery is beyond the specified temperature, charging will be stopped
-Peak voltage protection
Harga: 299.999 / paket

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